When Does Transplanted Hair Grow?

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Hair transplantation, which is preferred as the most permanent solution after hair loss, which is among the most common complaints of today, is among the most preferred operations of today. With the development of many methods in hair transplantation, it has become possible to offer solutions for the needs of people. Turkey, which has gained prestige in this sense worldwide, offers maximum comfort and successful results to people who want to have hair transplantation by using the developing technology extremely well. 

One of the most curious issues for people who want to have hair transplantation is how long the transplanted hair will regain its natural form. As a matter of fact, as it is known, hair transplantation operations are costly and the clinical research of the physician who will have hair transplantation is also among the very laborious works. For this reason, people who have hair transplantation or will have hair transplantation want to get results quickly in this case. However, the most basic factor that distinguishes hair transplantation from other aesthetic operations is the process after the operation. While it is possible to see the result within an average of 1 month in other aesthetic operations, it is possible to see the result after approximately 8 to 10 time in hair transplantation operations.

In the first 1 to 2 months after hair transplantation, a process called 'shock shedding' is experienced. In this process, it is seen that the transplanted hair falls out. In this case, there is absolutely no need to panic. 'Shock spillage' after hair transplantation is generally seen in all hair transplantation operations.

After the shock shedding, the hair starts to grow again and it is seen that the hair starts to grow again between 2 and 4 months on average after hair transplantation. The most important rule is to be patient during this time and to follow the instructions of the hair transplant specialist exactly. An average of 6 to 8 months is needed for the hair to grow noticeably after hair transplantation operations. During this time, it will be seen that the hair grows noticeably. However, an average of 8 to 10 months should be left behind to achieve the desired appearance. 

Within 6 months after hair transplantation, people usually start to think about questions such as 'my hair does not grow' 'hair transplantation failed'. This is a very early time for negative thoughts. As a matter of fact, in order to see the final result in hair transplantation operations, an average of 8 to 10 months should be left behind.

One of the most important details in achieving a successful result in hair transplantation operations is to receive service from expert and professional hands. The hair transplant specialist guides you in the right way, answers all your questions by telling you which technique should be used with the right analyses and how many grafts should be transplanted, and hair transplantation is performed after preliminary analyses. 

Please contact us to get more detailed information about hair transplantation, to learn the prices of hair transplantation performed by our specialist physicians in professional health institutions and to get a free pre-examination appointment.