TDF Hair Transplant

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The technology has developed solutions to people's aesthetic concerns and permanent solutions to problems such as hair loss . Hair loss has been a big issue, even a reason for lack of self-esteem for many. Unfortunately hair loss problem is getting more common. As we all know, there are various reasons for hair loss. Hair transplant is the most preferred solution for hair loss due to appearance. People check many methods before getting a hair transplant. It is possible to get more efficient, permanent, and more natural looking results with new methods.

TDF hair transplant method is the newest technique for better results. A client usually needs to wait at least for 6 months between two operations. However, it is possible to apply two consecutive sessions in with TDF hair transplant method.


The process in hair transplantation with the TDF method is the operation of transplanting the hair follicles taken from the donor area to the recipient area. However, there is a difference in TDF Method. In the first (Picking) stage, the donor area is divided into two as right and left. In the first session, hair follicles taken from the first donor area are transplanted to the recipient area. In the second session, the hair follicles in the other donor area are transplanted to the recipient area.


TDF is preferred in patients who suffer intense hair loss on a specific part of the scalp. It gives the best results when patient has a baldness at the top back of the head or above the forehead. 

In other techniques, around 4,000 follicles can be transplanted in a single session. In TDF method, minimum of 3,000 follicles can be transplanted in each session. Total of 7,000 follicles can be transplanted in two days.


In TDF hair transplant method, hair loss(A shock loss) starts in the first or the second month as in other hair transplant operations. On the 3rd month after the operation, the hair starts to regrow . It is possible to say that 70% of the received hair grows in an average of 6 to 9 months. Patient should be patient and perform the after-care properly in this process. It takes 10 to 12 months to see the full results in hair transplant.

Please contact us for your free consultation, and to learn about our offers.

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