Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck

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Perfect body contouring has been one of the greatest dreams of many men and women. People work out and keep strict diets have hourglass body shape. Weight loss or after birth body deformation may cause sagging problem around the tummy area. Many people choose to have aesthetic surgery to solve this problem. That’s when we hear the term Abdominoplasty a.k.a Tummy Tuck. 


Abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin and restores weakened muscles to create a smoother, firmer abdominal profile. Tummy tuck is one of the most preferred aesthetic surgeries among men and women, which provides permanent results. A full tummy tuck requires a horizontally-oriented incision in the area above the pubic hairline. Amount of excess skin determines the length of the incision. Once the abdominal skin is lifted, the underlying weakened abdominal muscles are repaired.

Excess fat is also removed by liposuction method, so abdominoplasty is usually combined with liposuction.

The upper abdominal skin is pulled down and excess skin is trimmed. Remaining skin is sutured above the pubic hairline. Just like c-section, scars disappear in time.

Many women prefer abdominoplasty after c-section to get rid of stretch marks and excess skin.


Depending on the procedure, and the patient’s condition abdominoplasty lasts 3 to 4 hours. It may exceed 4 hours if the patient has liposuction.

Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia.


Due to weight loss, postpartum deformations, or unhealthy lifestyle many people go through sagging tummy problem. There are cosmetic products that promise a firmer skin, but for a permanent and efficient solution tummy tuck might be mandatory for many people.  Anyone above 18 can have abdominoplasty.


Yes! Although majority of the patients who have tummy tuck are women, more men prefer tummy tuck to have a more athletic look.


Tummy tuck brings permanent results if the patients watch their weight, and keep regular diet and exercise.


Patients are usually discharged after 1 to 2 days. Doctor will recommend a diet, and daily habits to recover quickly and keep the results permanent.

Pain, swelling, and bruising are normal for the first 1 week. These pain level decreases daily . It is possible to go back to daily life after 2 weeks. However, it is important to avoid heavy sports and exercises for a minimum of 3 months. Also no intercourse, not lifting any heavy objects, and alcohol and cigarette consumption should be suspended for 2 weeks after abdominoplasty. It is very important to drink 3 liters of water daily, also take short walks.

Patient can take a shower after the control day.

It is required to use the corsets and bandages for approximately 4 weeks. It takes up to 6 months to see the full results.

In order to prevent any risks or infections use the medicine as prescribed by your doctor. You can use the painkiller as recommended by your doctor.


Cost of the operation is determined after the consultation and the analysis. Sometimes more than one procedure can be applied to a patient, depending on the needs. For example, some patients need liposuction procedure with abdominoplasty. In order to get the total cost, the complete procedure should be planned.

Please contact us for your free consultation, and to learn about our offers.

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