

Perfect body contouring has been one of the greatest dreams of many men and women. People work out and keep strict diets have hourglass body shape, six pack tummy or perfectly contoured arms.

We hear some many people who survive obesity, so many moms who have belly fat, and many men who want to get rid of extra breast tissue booking for Liposuction.    

So, what is Liposuction? Who is the right candidate for Liposuction? Are there any risks of Liposuction? You can find all the answers in this article.


In technical terms, Liposuction is one of the aesthetic operations used suction to remove fat from the specific areas of the body. The word liposuction derives from the Latin word ‘Lipo' which means fat.

While liposuction is among the surgical interventions that have never lost its popularity, people have fears about risks of complications. We can say that the process might be misunderstood by many people.

First of all liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. Dream of having a perfect body shape faces people with one of the greatest health problems in the world, being overweight. There are millions of obesity survivors. Being overweight has many negative effects in daily life such as short life expectancy, inability to do basic movements, loss of self-confidence. Diet and daily exercise are the solutions for the weight loss issue. Many people deal with stubborn fat in the specific zones after weight loss. The best method to get rid of the stubborn fat has been Liposuction technique for ages.

it is one of the most frequently asked questions about it and unfortunately, it is one of the most misinformed procedures. Liposuction is not a weight loss method. Liposuction removes fat from areas of the body that don't respond to diet and exercise. When you gain weight, fat cells get bigger. Liposuction lowers the number of fat cells in a specific area. 

After weight loss or giving birth, people can not get rid of some stubborn fat although they follow their diet and exercise programs. At this point Liposuction comes into play. Abdomen, upper arms, hips, thighs, chin, neck, breasts, and buttocks are the areas for liposuction.

Liposuction can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the number of areas and the patient’s medical condition  For example, while general anesthesia is used in laser liposuction operations, local anesthesia may be preferred in other methods. Although no hospitalization is required after liposuction surgery, laser liposuction may require a one-day hospitalization.


After the liposuction operation pain, swelling, and bruising are normal for the first 1 week. These pain level decreases daily . It is possible to go back to daily life after 2 weeks. However, it is important to avoid heavy sports and exercises for a minimum of 4 weeks. Also no intercourse, not lifting any heavy objects, and alcohol and cigarette consumption should be suspended for 2 weeks after liposuction surgery. It is very important to drink 3 liters of water daily, also take short walks.

It is required to use the corsets and bandages for approximately 4 weeks. It takes up to 6 months to see the full results.

In order to prevent any risks or infections use the medicine as prescribed by your doctor. You can use the painkiller as recommended by your doctor.


Every surgery has its own risks. In order to prevent those risks choose professional staff, and make sure that you are the right candidate.


Anyone above 18 can have liposuction surgery.


There is no ditinction between men or women in liposuction surgery. The method applied is the same. However, the target areas may vary. Men prefer chin, neck tummy, and breast (Mastectomy) areas for liposuction


Cost of the operation is determined after the consultation and the analysis.

Please contact us for your free consultation, and to learn about our offers.

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